#Cohousing Offers Real Economic and Environmental Benefits for #BTR

Marcelo Bermudez, CEPA
2 min readJan 11, 2023


#Cohousing Offers Real Economic and Environmental Benefits for #BTR

Cohousing is a housing model that prioritizes community living, shared resources, and sustainability.

It is gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional single-family homes and apartment complexes, and has many benefits for #buildtorent #developers.

Benefits of cohousing developments include:

· Better offerings for the mis-housed, ill-housed, and unhoused.

Cohousing developments can offer affordable housing options for low-income families and individuals, providing them with a sense of community and support that is often lacking in traditional housing options.

This can help address the affordable housing crisis and meet the needs of a diverse range of residents.

· Economic advantages for residents.

Shared common areas, such as kitchens, laundry facilities, and tools, can offset the need for residents to purchase these items individually.

Shared spaces like gardens and common rooms can facilitate community building and socializing among residents, which can lead to increased resident satisfaction and retention.

This can result in higher occupancy rates, lower turnover costs, and more stable revenue streams for developers.

· Reduces strain on non-renewable resources

By promoting shared living spaces and resources, cohousing reduces the consumption of non-renewable resources and reduces waste, which is a key aspect of sustainable housing.

The compact design of cohousing communities can reduce the ecological effects of sprawl, by minimizing land consumption and promoting energy-efficient buildings.

This will help developers meet environmental regulations, and align with growing consumer demand for sustainable housing options.

Cohousing is a viable and beneficial option for build-to-rent developers.

It provides a sustainable and socially responsible housing option that addresses the affordable housing crisis and meets the needs of diverse populations.

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Marcelo Bermudez, CEPA

I simplify the path to convert $3–30MM businesses and commercial real estate projects into real, attainable cash.